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  • English  (2)
  • 1
    Series available for loan
    Series available for loan
    Frankfurt am Main : Verlag des Bundesamts für Kartographie und Geodäsie
    Associated volumes
    Call number: S 95.0116(40)
    In: IERS technical note, No. 40
    Type of Medium: Series available for loan
    Pages: 167 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 9783864821370 , 978-3-86482-137-0
    ISSN: 1019-4568
    Series Statement: IERS technical note No. 40
    Language: English
    Note: Foreword, Zuheir Altamimi ; DTRF2014: DGFI-TUM realization of the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS), Mathis Bloßfeld, Manuela Seitz, Detlef Angermann, and Florian Seitz ; JTRF2014: Analysis, Results and Comparisons to ITRF2014 and DTRF2014, Claudio Abbondanza, Toshia Michael Chin, Richard S. Gross, Michael B. Heflin, Jay W Parker, Benedikt S. Soja, Tonie M. van Dam, and Xiaoping Wu ; ITRS Center evaluation of DTRF2014 and JTRF2014 with respect to ITRF2014, Zuheir Altamimi, Paul Rebischung, Xavier Collilieux, and Laurent Metivier ; Comparison of latest ITRS realizations: ITRF2014, JTRF2014 and DTRF2014, Detlef Angermann, Mathis Blof3feld, Manuela Seitz, and Sergei Rudenko ; A comparison of the DTRF2014, ITRF2014, and JTRF2014 solutions using DORIS, Guilhem Moreaux, Hugues Capdeville, Claudio Abbondanza, Mathis Bloßfeld, Jean-Michel Lemoine, and Pascale Ferrage ; Assessment of DTRF2014 and ITRF2014 by Satellite Laser Ranging, Jose Rodriguez ; ITRS realizations and their impact on VLBI combined EOP and Scale, Sabine Bachmann and Daniela Thaller ; Index of authors
    Location: Lower compact magazine
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 2
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Cham : Springer International Publishing
    Call number: im Bestellvorgang
    Description / Table of Contents: The mass of the earth -- The structure of the earth: rotation, precession, cosmogony -- The forces that shape the earth: Neptunism vs. Plutonism -- The age of the earth -- The forces that shape the earth: shrinking, isostasy, drift -- The structure of the earth: seismology -- The forces that shape the earth: convection and plates -- Our concept of the earth -- Exercises: Further Food for Thought.
    Description / Table of Contents: With its new, unique look at the physics of the earth and at how this field got to where it is today, this is not a conventional textbook, but could easily be used as one. Designed to be understood by readers with no background in the earth sciences and only little previous knowledge of math and physics, Our Concept of the Earth differs from other geophysics books in that it places geo-scientific concepts in their historical context: ideas are presented in chronological order, according to the moment they emerged, one in response to the other, throughout the history of the discipline. In this way, the material covered in any given section of the book rests on simpler previously established concepts that are explained earlier in the book. The book is extremely self-contained and lends itself to being read from beginning to end, an experience that will captivate and even entertain a broad range of readers in academia and beyond.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: XVI, 850 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 978-3-031-71578-5
    Language: English
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
    BibTip Others were also interested in ...
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