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  • 1
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: In this paper, we confirm our earlier observations of fullerenes (C60 and C70) in the Allende meteorite (Becker et al., 1994a, 1995). Fullerene C60 was also detected in two separate C-rich (approximately 0.5-1.0%) dark inclusions (Heymann et al., 1987) that were hand picked from the Allende sample. The amounts of C60 detected were approximately 5 and approximately 10 ppb, respectively, which is considerably less than what was detected in the Allende 15/21 sample (approximately 100 ppb; Becker et al., 1994a, 1995). This suggests that fullerenes are heterogeneously distributed in the meteorite. In addition, we present evidence for fulleranes, (C60Hx), detected in separate samples by laser desorption (reflectron) time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometry (LDMS). The LDMS spectra for the Allende extracts were remarkably similar to the spectra generated for the synthetic fullerane mixtures. Several fullerane products were synthesized using a Rh catalyst (Becker et al., 1993a) and separated using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were also observed ppm levels) that included benzofluoranthene and corannulene, a cup-shaped molecule that has been proposed as a precursor molecule to the formation of fullerenes in the gas phase (Pope et al., 1993).
    Keywords: Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
    Type: Meteoritics & planetary science (ISSN 1086-9379); Volume 32; 4; 479-87
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Trace amounts of glycine, serine, and alanine were detected in the carbonate component of the martian meteorite ALH84001 by high-performance liquid chromatography. The detected amino acids were not uniformly distributed in the carbonate component and ranged in concentration from 0.1 to 7 parts per million. Although the detected alanine consists primarily of the L enantiomer, low concentrations (〈0.1 parts per million) of endogenous D-alanine may be present in the ALH84001 carbonates. The amino acids present in this sample of ALH84001 appear to be terrestrial in origin and similar to those in Allan Hills ice, although the possibility cannot be ruled out that minute amounts of some amino acids such as D-alanine are preserved in the meteorite.
    Keywords: Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
    Type: Science (ISSN 0036-8075); Volume 279; 5349; 362-5
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Reduction of C60 with rhodium(0) on alumina and hydrogen in deuterated benzene (C6D6) at ambient temperature and pressure yields a mixture of hydrogenated compounds; C60H2 has been characterized as the major product in 14% yield based on 1H NMR.
    Keywords: Exobiology
    Type: The Journal of organic chemistry (ISSN 0022-3263); Volume 58; 27; 7630-1
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2011-08-16
    Description: The results of magnetization and Mossbauer experiments are described which give evidence for superparamagnetism in the quenched face-centered-cubic (gamma) phase of the ternary system Fe .34, C .52, V .14 (Vicalloy II). Magnetometer data are given which clearly show that splat-cooled Vicalloy II does not exhibit long-range magnetic order. These data together with the Mossbauer data indicate that short-range magnetic ordering occurs which is temperature-dependent with coalescence of magnetic clusters over a limited temperature range. The model presented reasonably accounts for the observed effects and indicates that this ternary system is superparamagnetic down to 4.2 K.
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2017-10-02
    Description: In this work we have searched for extraterrestrial (ET) helium (He) in fullerenes isolated from several K/T boundary (KTB) sediments. Measurements of He in these KTB fullerene residues revealed He-3/He-4 ratios that can only be explained as ET in origin.
    Keywords: Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
    Type: Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI; LPI-Contrib-1000
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2018-06-08
    Type: ESA/CNES/NASA, International Symposium on Mars Exploration Program; Paris; France
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2019-06-28
    Description: The long-term goal of the NASA/U.S. helicopter industry program designated 'Rotonet' is the achievement of a helicopter noise signature-prediction capability on the basis of helicopter geometry and operating condition data. A prediction-validation data base is being compiled through flight testing of an MDHC 500E helicopter; the data base will encompass acoustic spectra, noise-level time histories, and effective perceived noise levels incorporating actual meteorological conditions and helicopter dynamics. An evaluation is made of the Rotonet system as currently defined, with a view to prospective developments.
    Type: AIAA PAPER 89-1135
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  • 8
    Publication Date: 2019-06-27
    Description: An analysis was performed of the operations of hydropower systems, with emphasis on water resource management, to determine how aerospace derived information system technologies can effectively increase energy output. Better utilization of water resources was sought through improved reservoir inflow forecasting based on use of hydrometeorologic information systems with new or improved sensors, satellite data relay systems, and use of advanced scheduling techniques for water release. Specific mechanisms for increased energy output were determined, principally the use of more timely and accurate short term (0-7 days) inflow information to reduce spillage caused by unanticipated dynamic high inflow events. The hydrometeorologic models used in predicting inflows were examined in detail to determine the sensitivity of inflow prediction accuracy to the many variables employed in the models, and the results were used to establish information system requirements. Sensor and data handling system capabilities were reviewed and compared to the requirements, and an improved information system concept was outlined.
    Type: NASA-CR-149342 , JPL-5040-43
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2019-07-17
    Description: One intriguing and important issue of the Sudbury Structure concerns the source of the relatively large amount of C in the Onaping Formation Black member. This dilemma was recently addressed, and the conclusion was reached that an impactor could not have delivered all of the requisite C. Becker et al. have suggested that much of the C came from the impactor and reported the presence of interstellar He "caged" inside some fullerenes that may have survived the impact. So, conceivably, the C inventory in the Sudbury Structure comes from both target and impactor materials, although the known target rocks have little C. We discuss here the possibility of two terrestrial sources for at least some of the C: (1) impact evaporation/dissociation of C from carbonate target rocks and (2) the presence of heretofore-unrecognized C-rich (up to 26 wt%) siliceous "shale," fragments, which are found in the upper, reworked Black member. Experimental: Hypervelocity impact of a 0.635-diameter Al projectile into dolomite at 5.03 km/s (performed at the Ames Research Center vertical gun range) produced a thin, black layer (= 0.05 mm thick) that partially lined the crater and coated impactor remnants. Scanning electronic microscope (SEM) imagery shows this layer to be spongelike on a submicron scale and Auger spectroscopic analyses yield: 33% C, 22% Mg, 19% 0, and 9% Al (from the projectile). Elemental mapping shows that all of the available 0 is combined with Ca and Mg, Al is not oxidized, and C is in elemental form. Dissociation efficiency of C from CO2 is estimated to be 〈10% of crater volume. Raman spectroscopy indicates that the C is highly disorganized graphite. Another impact experiment [4] also produced highly disordered graphite from a limestone target (reducing collector), in addition to small amounts of diamond/lonsdaleite/chaoite (oxidizing collector). These experiments confirm the reduction of C from carbonates in impact vapor plumes. Observational: SEM observations and microprobe analyses of small, black shalelike inclusions in the upper Black Onaping indicate high C contents (7-26 wt% avg. = 16%). They contain mostly quartz and carbonaceous matter with small amounts of altered K-feldspar, clays, Fe oxide, and a sulfide. No evidence of shock is seen in quartz, and overall characteristics indicate a natural, lightly metamorphosed carbonaceous shale or mudstone that probably existed as a preimpact rock in the target region and distal fragments washed in during early crater filling. Fragments range in size from tens of microns to cm and increase in abundance in the upper Black toward the Onwatin contact, although their distribution is highly irregular. This increase corresponds to an increase in "organic" C with increasingly negative delta-13 C values and S, together with a decrease in fullerene abundance. In addition, we have found soot in acid-demineralized residues of the Onwatin but not in the Onaping samples. These data could be consistent with impact plume and atmospheric chemical processes, with possible diageneric ovedays. We are analyzing carbonaceous fractions of the Onaping and Onwatin to determine diagnostic C isotopic signatures Analyses by Whitehead et al. on bulk samples revealed no definitive source or processes, although delta-13 C values for "organic" C overlapped those for some meteorites. Discussion: If impact evaporation of Sudbury target carbonates did occur, then where are the carbonates? Distal carbonate (limestone/dolostone) exposures of the Espanola Formation (Huronian Supergroup) are generally thin-bedded, although remnants that partially encompass the Sudbury Crater are variable in thickness and may locally reach 250 m . If a carbonate thickness of 100-200 in existed at the target site, then copious amounts of C could have been reduced by impact processing of carbonates and also C-shale, depending on the efficiency of the processing and the amount of postimpact oxidation. Conclusion: The Sudbury crater offers a unique opportunity to study preserved characteristics of immediate carbonaceous fallback matter and particles of short-term residency in the impact plume as well as dust/aerosols from postimpact atmospheric processing.
    Keywords: Geophysics
    Type: Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution; 7; LPI-Contrib-992
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  • 10
    Publication Date: 2019-07-17
    Description: Fullerenes (C60 and C70) have recently been identified in a shock-produced breccia (Onaping Formation) associated with the 1.85-Ga Sudbury Impact Crater. The presence of parts-per-million levels of fullerenes in this impact structure raises interesting questions about the processes that led to the formation of fullerenes and the potential for delivery of intact organic material to the Earth by a large bolide (e.g., asteroid or comet). Two possible scenarios for the presence of fullerenes in the Sudbury impact deposits are that (1) fullerenes are synthesized within the impact plume from the C contained in the bolide; or (2) fullerenes are already present in the bolide and survived the impact event. The correlation of C and trapped noble gas atoms in meteorites is well established. Primitive meteorites contain several trapped noble gas components that have anomalous isotopic compositions, some of which may have a presolar origin. Several C-bearing phases, including SiC, graphite, and diamond, have been recognized as carriers of trapped noble gases. It has also been suggested that fullerenes (C60 and C70) might be a carrier of noble gas components in carbonaceous chondrites. Recently, fullerenes have been detected in separate samples in the Allende meteorite. Carbon-60 is large enough to enclose the noble gases He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe, but it is too small to contain diatomic gases such as N2 or triatomic gases such as CO2. Recent experimental work has demonstrated that noble gases of a specific isotopic composition can be introduced into synthetic fullerenes at high temperatures and pressures; these encapsulated gases can then be released by the breaking of one or more C bonds during step-heating under vacuum. These thermal-release patterns for He encapsulated within the C60 molecule (He@C60) are similar to the patterns for acid residues of carbonaceous chondrites, suggesting that fullerenes could be an additional carrier of trapped noble gases in acid residues of meteorites. Analysis and Results: In order to characterize the noble gas compositions of the Sudbury fullerenes, we undertook a systematic study of acid-resistant residues throughout the C-rich layer (Black member) of the Onaping Formation. Samples were demineralized and extracted using standard techniques. The Onaping extracts were analyzed using several techniques, including UV-Vis adsorption, electro spray mass spectrometry, and laser desorption (linear and reflectron) time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometry (LDMS). The Sudbury fullerenes were then separated and purified using HPLC coupled with a photo diode array detector. The HPLC extracts containing the purified fullerenes were loaded into a metal tube furnace within a glove box under a N atmosphere in preparation for noble gas analyses. The 3-He and 4-He content of the fullerene extracts was measured using previously reported standard techniques . Discussion: Fullerenes (C60 and C70) in the Sudbury Impact Structure have been found to contain trapped He with a 3-He/4-He ratio greater than 5 x 10(exp -4). The 3-He/4-He ratio exceeds the accepted solar value by more than 30% and is more than 10x higher than the maximum reported mantle value. Terrestrial nuclear reactions or cosmic-my bombardment are not sufficient to generate such a high ratio. The 3-He/4-He ratios in the Sudbury fullerenes are similar to those determined for interplanetary dust particles. The greater-than-solar ratios of 3-He/4-He in the Sudbury fullerenes may indicate a presolar origin, although alternative mechanisms occurring in the ISM to explain these high ratios (e.g., spallation reactions, selective He implantation, etc.) cannot be entirely ruled out. We are currently attempting to isolate enough fullerene material to measure anomalous Ne (or Kr or Xe) contained within the C60 (e.g., the "pure" 22-Ne component) and thus determine whether the Sudbury fullerenes are indeed presolar in origin.
    Keywords: Geophysics
    Type: Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution; 5; LPI-Contrib-992
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