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    Electronic Resource
    Electronic Resource
    Journal of optimization theory and applications 79 (1993), S. 273-310 
    ISSN: 1573-2878
    Keywords: Nonlinear programming ; method of multipliers ; penalty Lagrangian methods ; second-order optimality conditions ; nonstrict complementary slackness ; asymptotical linear convergence
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Mathematics
    Notes: Abstract In this paper, we extend the classical convergence and rate of convergence results for the method of multipliers for equality constrained problems to general inequality constrained problems, without assuming the strict complementarity hypothesis at the local optimal solution. Instead, we consider an alternative second-order sufficient condition for a strict local minimum, which coincides with the standard one in the case of strict complementary slackness. As a consequence, new stopping rules are derived in order to guarantee a local linear rate of convergence for the method, even if the current Lagrangian is only asymptotically minimized in this more general setting. These extended results allow us to broaden the scope of applicability of the method of multipliers, in order to cover all those problems admitting loosely binding constraints at some optimal solution. This fact is not meaningless, since in practice this kind of problem seems to be more the rule rather than the exception. In proving the different results, we follow the classical primaldual approach to the method of multipliers, considering the approximate minimizers for the original augmented Lagrangian as the exact solutions for some adequate approximate augmented Lagrangian. In particular, we prove a general uniform continuity property concerning both their primal and their dual optimal solution set maps, a property that could be useful beyond the scope of this paper. This approach leads to very simple proofs of the preliminary results and to a straight-forward proof of the main results.
    Type of Medium: Electronic Resource
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