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    Publication Date: 2019-07-13
    Description: The geological boundary between Triassic and Permian strata coincides with the greatest life extinction in the Earth's history. Although the cause of the extinction is still the subject of intense debates, recent discoveries in the P-T boundary layer of shocked quartz grains, fullerenes with the extraterrestrial noble gases, Fe metal nuggets, and chondritic meteorite fragments all point to a powerful collision of Earth with a celestial body in the late Permian. Here we report the discovery of magnetic Fe, Si, Al-rich impact spherules which accompany the chondritic meteorite fragments in some samples from the P-T boundary layer at Graphite Peak, Antarctica.
    Keywords: Geosciences (General)
    Type: Lunar and Planetary Science XXXV; Mar 15, 2004 - Mar 19, 2004; Houston, TN; United States|Lunar and Planetary Science XXXV: Effects of Impact and Awe; LPI-Contrib-1197
    Format: text
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