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    Electronic Resource
    Electronic Resource
    Protoplasma 103 (1980), S. 273-280 
    ISSN: 1615-6102
    Keywords: Chlorella fusca ; Iron deficiency ; Starch ; Ultrastructural changes ; Vanadium
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Summary The ultrastructure of the unicellular green algaChlorella fusca, grown in the absence and presence of vanadium (4 · 10−7 M as NH4VO3) and under iron deficiency, is investigated by electron microscopy. Iron and vanadium deficiencies are characterized by an accumulation of intracellular starch, the observation being confirmed by chemical analysis of the amount of algal total starch. While iron deficiency causes dishorders in the chloroplast lamellar system and very often disintegration of the whole cell, the presence of vanadate prevents these symptoms. V-grown cells form only little starch, but show an enlarged thylakoid system within the chloroplast. The metabolic significance of these observations is discussed.
    Type of Medium: Electronic Resource
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