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    Call number: AWI G3-24-95796
    Description / Table of Contents: The thawing of permafrost and the subsequent release of greenhouse gases constitute one of the most significant and uncertain positive feedback loops in the context of climate change, making predictions regarding changes in permafrost coverage of paramount importance. To address these critical questions, climate scientists have developed Land Surface Models (LSMs) that encompass a multitude of physical soil processes. This thesis is committed to advancing our understanding and refining precise representations of permafrost dynamics within LSMs, with a specific focus on the accurate modeling of heat fluxes, an essential component for simulating permafrost physics. The first research question overviews fundamental model prerequisites for the representation of permafrost soils within land surface modeling. It includes a first-of-its-kind comparison between LSMs in CMIP6 to reveal their differences and shortcomings in key permafrost physics parameters. Overall, each of these LSMs represents a unique approach to simulating soil processes and their interactions with the climate system. Choosing the most appropriate model for a particular application depends on factors such as the spatial and temporal scale of the simulation, the specific research question, and available computational resources. The second research question evaluates the performance of the state-of-the-art Community Land Model (CLM5) in simulating Arctic permafrost regions. Our approach overcomes traditional evaluation limitations by individually addressing depth, seasonality, and regional variations, providing a comprehensive assessment of permafrost and soil temperature dynamics. I compare CLM5's results with three extensive datasets: (1) soil temperatures from 295 borehole stations, (2) active layer thickness (ALT) data from the Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring Network (CALM), and (3) soil temperatures, ALT, and permafrost extent from the ESA Climate Change Initiative (ESA-CCI). The results show that CLM5 aligns well with ESA-CCI and CALM for permafrost extent and ALT but reveals a significant global cold temperature bias, notably over Siberia. These results echo a persistent challenge identified in numerous studies: the existence of a systematic 'cold bias' in soil temperature over permafrost regions. To address this challenge, the following research questions propose dual sensitivity experiments. The third research question represents the first study to apply a Plant Functional Type (PFT)-based approach to derive soil texture and soil organic matter (SOM), departing from the conventional use of coarse-resolution global data in LSMs. This novel method results in a more uniform distribution of soil organic matter density (OMD) across the domain, characterized by reduced OMD values in most regions. However, changes in soil texture exhibit a more intricate spatial pattern. Comparing the results to observations reveals a significant reduction in the cold bias observed in the control run. This method shows noticeable improvements in permafrost extent, but at the cost of an overestimation in ALT. These findings emphasize the model's high sensitivity to variations in soil texture and SOM content, highlighting the crucial role of soil composition in governing heat transfer processes and shaping the seasonal variation of soil temperatures in permafrost regions. Expanding upon a site experiment conducted in Trail Valley Creek by \citet{dutch_impact_2022}, the fourth research question extends the application of the snow scheme proposed by \citet{sturm_thermal_1997} to cover the entire Arctic domain. By employing a snow scheme better suited to the snow density profile observed over permafrost regions, this thesis seeks to assess its influence on simulated soil temperatures. Comparing this method to observational datasets reveals a significant reduction in the cold bias that was present in the control run. In most regions, the Sturm run exhibits a substantial decrease in the cold bias. However, there is a distinctive overshoot with a warm bias observed in mountainous areas. The Sturm experiment effectively addressed the overestimation of permafrost extent in the control run, albeit resulting in a substantial reduction in permafrost extent over mountainous areas. ALT results remain relatively consistent compared to the control run. These outcomes align with our initial hypothesis, which anticipated that the reduced snow insulation in the Sturm run would lead to higher winter soil temperatures and a more accurate representation of permafrost physics. In summary, this thesis demonstrates significant advancements in understanding permafrost dynamics and its integration into LSMs. It has meticulously unraveled the intricacies involved in the interplay between heat transfer, soil properties, and snow dynamics in permafrost regions. These insights offer novel perspectives on model representation and performance.
    Description / Table of Contents: Das Auftauen von Permafrost und die anschließende Freisetzung von Treibhausgasen stellen eine der bedeutendsten und unsichersten positiven Rückkopplungsschleifen im Kontext des Klimawandels dar, was Vorhersagen über Veränderungen der Permafrostverbreitung von größter Bedeutung macht. Um diese kritischen Fragen zu adressieren, haben Klimawissenschaftler Landoberflächenmodelle (LSMs) entwickelt, die eine Vielzahl physikalischer Bodenprozesse umfassen. Diese Dissertation widmet sich der Vertiefung unseres Verständnisses und der Verfeinerung präziser Darstellungen der Permafrostdynamik innerhalb von LSMs, mit einem besonderen Fokus auf die genaue Modellierung von Wärmeflüssen, einem wesentlichen Bestandteil der Simulation von Permafrostphysik. Die erste Forschungsfrage gibt einen Überblick über grundlegende Modellanforderungen für die Darstellung von Permafrostböden innerhalb der Landoberflächenmodellierung. Sie beinhaltet einen erstmaligen Vergleich zwischen LSMs im Rahmen von CMIP6, um deren Unterschiede und Schwächen in den Schlüsselparametern der Permafrostphysik aufzuzeigen. Insgesamt repräsentiert jedes dieser LSMs einen einzigartigen Ansatz zur Simulation von Bodenprozessen und deren Wechselwirkungen mit dem Klimasystem. Die Wahl des am besten geeigneten Modells für eine bestimmte Anwendung hängt von Faktoren wie dem räumlichen und zeitlichen Maßstab der Simulation, der spezifischen Forschungsfrage und den verfügbaren Rechenressourcen ab. Die zweite Forschungsfrage bewertet die Leistungsfähigkeit des hochmodernen Community Land Model (CLM5) bei der Simulation arktischer Permafrostregionen. Unser Ansatz überwindet traditionelle Evaluationsbeschränkungen, indem er Tiefe, Saisonalität und regionale Variationen einzeln berücksichtigt und eine umfassende Bewertung der Permafrost- und Bodentemperaturdynamik liefert. Ich vergleiche die Ergebnisse von CLM5 mit drei umfangreichen Datensätzen: (1) Bodentemperaturen von 295 Bohrlochstationen, (2) Daten zur aktiven Schichtdicke (ALT) aus dem Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring Network (CALM) und (3) Bodentemperaturen, ALT und Permafrostausdehnung aus der ESA Climate Change Initiative (ESA-CCI). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass CLM5 gut mit ESA-CCI und CALM für Permafrostausdehnung und ALT übereinstimmt, jedoch eine signifikante globale kalte Temperaturabweichung aufweist, insbesondere über Sibirien. Diese Ergebnisse spiegeln eine anhaltende Herausforderung wider, die in zahlreichen Studien identifiziert wurde: das Vorhandensein einer systematischen "kalten Abweichung" bei Bodentemperaturen in Permafrostregionen. Um diese Herausforderung anzugehen, schlagen die folgenden Forschungsfragen duale Sensitivitätsexperimente vor. Die dritte Forschungsfrage stellt die erste Studie dar, die einen pflanzenfunktionstypbasierten Ansatz (PFT) zur Ableitung von Bodentextur und organischer Bodensubstanz (SOM) anwendet und sich von der herkömmlichen Verwendung grob aufgelöster globaler Daten in LSMs abwendet. Diese neuartige Methode führt zu einer gleichmäßigeren Verteilung der Dichte organischer Bodensubstanz (OMD) im gesamten Bereich, gekennzeichnet durch geringere OMD-Werte in den meisten Regionen. Veränderungen in der Bodentextur zeigen jedoch ein komplexeres räumliches Muster. Der Vergleich der Ergebnisse mit Beobachtungen zeigt eine signifikante Reduzierung der kalten Abweichung, die im Kontrolllauf beobachtet wurde. Diese Methode zeigt bemerkenswerte Verbesserungen in der Permafrostausdehnung, jedoch auf Kosten einer Überschätzung der ALT. Diese Ergebnisse unterstreichen die hohe Empfindlichkeit des Modells gegenüber Variationen in der Bodentextur und dem SOM-Gehalt und heben die entscheidende Rolle der Bodenbeschaffenheit bei der Steuerung der Wärmeübertragungsprozesse und der saisonalen Variation der Bodentemperaturen in Permafrostregionen hervor. Aufbauend auf einem Standortexperiment im Trail Valley Creek von Dutch et al. (2022) erweitert die vierte Forschungsfrage die Anwendung des von Sturm et al. (1997) vorgeschlagenen Schneeschemas auf das gesamte arktische Gebiet. Durch die Anwendung eines Schneeschemas, das besser zu dem in Permafrostregionen beobachteten Schneedichteprofil passt, versucht diese Dissertation, dessen Einfluss auf die simulierten Bodentemperaturen zu bewerten. Der Vergleich dieser Methode mit Beobachtungsdatensätzen zeigt eine signifikante Reduzierung der kalten Abweichung, die im Kontrolllauf vorhanden war. In den meisten Regionen weist der Sturm-Lauf eine erhebliche Verringerung der kalten Abweichung auf. Es gibt jedoch eine deutliche Überschreitung mit einer warmen Abweichung in Bergregionen. Das Sturm-Experiment hat die Überschätzung der Permafrostausdehnung im Kontrolllauf wirksam angegangen, was jedoch zu einer erheblichen Reduzierung der Permafrostausdehnung in Bergregionen führte. Die ALT-Ergebnisse bleiben im Vergleich zum Kontrolllauf relativ konsistent. Diese Ergebnisse entsprechen unserer ursprünglichen Hypothese, die erwartete, dass die reduzierte Schneedecke im Sturm-Lauf zu höheren Winterbodentemperaturen und einer genaueren Darstellung der Permafrostphysik führen würde. Zusammenfassend zeigt diese Dissertation bedeutende Fortschritte im Verständnis der Permafrostdynamik und deren Integration in LSMs. Sie hat die Komplexität der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Wärmeübertragung, Bodeneigenschaften und Schneedynamik in Permafrostregionen sorgfältig entschlüsselt. Diese Erkenntnisse bieten neue Perspektiven auf die Modellierung und Leistung von Modellen.
    Type of Medium: Dissertations
    Pages: xiii, 143 Seiten , Illustrationen, Diagramme
    Language: English
    Note: Dissertation, Universität Potsdam, 2024 , TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT List of abbreviations List of abbreviations 1 Motivations 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 History and classification of permafrost 1.1.2 Active Layer Thickness 1.2 Importance of permafrost for northern social-ecological systems (SES) 1.3 Importance of permafrost for the global climate and carbon cycle 1.4 History of permafrost representation in climate models 1.5 Recent advances in permafrost representation in climate models 1.5.1 Systematic cold bias in LSMs 1.6 Research questions 1.7 Outline of thesis 2 Model requirements for representation of permafrost soils 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Core theories in soil physics of Land Surface Models 2.2.1 Heat transfer 2.2.2 Water transfer 2.2.3 Latent heat energy 2.3 Key variables in the representation of permafrost soils 2.3.1 Soil texture 2.3.2 Soil organic matter 2.3.3 Snow 2.3.4 Soil moisture and ground ice 2.3.5 Arctic Vegetation 2.3.6 Atmospheric forcings 2.3.7 Lower boundary fluxes 2.4 Comparison of Land Surface Models used in CMIP6 2.4.1 Soil discretization 2.4.2 Soil physics 2.4.3 Snow physics 2.4.4 Vegetation representation 2.5 Conclusion and further research directions 3 Evaluation of CLM5 against in-situ and grid-based observations 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Community Land Model (CLM5) description 3.2.1 Model set-up 3.3 Validation data 3.3.1 In-situ ground temperature stations data 3.3.2 Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring Network (CALM) 3.3.3 ESA Climate Change Initiative 3.4 Validation procedures and algorithms 3.4.1 295GT 3.4.2 CALM 3.4.3 ESA-CCI 3.5 Results 3.5.1 Soil temperature 3.5.2 Permafrost extent 3.5.3 Active Layer Thickness (ALT) 3.6 Discussion and conclusions 4 Sensitivity experiment on soil texture and soil organic matter 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Soil texture and soil organic matter in CLM5 4.2.1 Soil thermal conductivity 4.2.2 Soil heat capacity 4.2.3 Hydraulic conductivity 4.3 New method to derive soil texture and soil organic carbon 4.3.1 Description of the Obu method and experiment 4.3.2 Differences in SCS and OMD between the control run and the Obu run 4.4 Results 4.4.1 Soil temperature 4.4.2 Permafrost extent 4.4.3 Active Layer Thickness (ALT) 4.4.4 Soil liquid and ice water 4.5 Discussion and conclusions 5 Sensitivity experiment on snow thermal conductivity 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Snow thermal conductivity 5.3 Description of snow module in CLM5 5.4 Sturm experiment with CLM5 5.5 Results 5.5.1 Soil temperature 5.5.2 Permafrost extent 5.5.3 Active Layer Thickness (ALT) 5.6 Discussion and conclusions 6 Conclusion 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Research question 1 6.3 Research question 2 6.4 Research question 3 6.5 Research question 4 6.6 Outlook 6.7 Conclusion Appendices Appendix A Additional figures A.1 Global Soil Organic Carbon Map A.2 Active Layer Thickness A.3 Thermal conductivity vs. snow density for four schemes A.4 CLM5 subgrid hierarchy A.5 Spin-up results of control run A.6 Comparison of ALT between the Obu and control runs A.7 Soil liquid and ice water difference between the Obu and control runs A.8 Effective snow depth in the Sturm and control runs A.9 Snow density in CLM4.5 and CLM5 A.10 Snow density in the Sturm and control runs A.11 Comparison of ALT between the Sturm and control runs Appendix B Additional equations B.1 Particle density B.2 Brooks and Coorey, 1964 (BC) model B.3 van Genuchten, 1980 (VG) model B.4 Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) B.5 Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) B.6 Van Kampenhout et al. (2017) functions Appendix C Local comparisons of a list of borehole stations REFERENCES
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2019-01-10
    Description: We investigate how the intensity and spatial distribution of precipitation varies around Lake Malawi on a diurnal time scale, which can be valuable information for water resource management in tropical southeastern African nations. Using a state-of-the-art satellite product and regional atmospheric model, the well-defined diurnal cycle is detected around Lake Malawi with harmonic and principle component analyses: the precipitation is intense during midnight to morning over Lake Malawi and the precipitation peaks in the daytime over the surrounding area. This diurnal cycle in the precipitation around the lake is associated with the lake-land breeze circulation. Comparisons between the benchmark simulation and an idealized simulation in which Lake Malawi is removed, reveals that the diurnal variations in the precipitation are substantially amplified by the presence of Lake Malawi. This is most evident over the lake and relatively surrounding coastal regions. Lake Malawi also enhances the lake-land breeze circulation; the nocturnal lakeward land breeze generates the surface convergence effectively and the precipitation intensifies over the lake. Conversely, the daytime landward lake breeze generates the intense divergence over the lake and the precipitation is strongly depressed over the lake. The lake surface helps to create the thermal contrast between the lake and land and consequently the local lake-land breeze system is maintained via sensible heat flux. The lake-land breeze and the background water vapour enriched by Lake Malawi drives dominantly a diurnal variation in the surface moisture flux divergence/convergence over the lake and surrounding area and consequently, contributes to the diurnal cycle of the precipitation.
    Print ISSN: 1812-2108
    Electronic ISSN: 1812-2116
    Topics: Geography , Geosciences
    Published by Copernicus on behalf of European Geosciences Union.
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2019-07-05
    Description: We investigate how the intensity and spatial distribution of precipitation vary around Lake Malawi on a diurnal timescale, which can be valuable information for water resource management in tropical south-eastern African nations. Using a state-of-the-art satellite product and regional atmospheric model, the well-defined diurnal cycle is detected around Lake Malawi with harmonic and principle component analyses: the precipitation is intense during midnight to morning over Lake Malawi and the precipitation peaks in the daytime over the surrounding area. This diurnal cycle in the precipitation around the lake is associated with the lake–land breeze circulation. Comparisons between the benchmark simulation and an idealized simulation in which Lake Malawi is removed reveal that the diurnal variations in precipitation are substantially amplified by the presence of Lake Malawi. This is most evident over the lake and surrounding coastal regions. Lake Malawi also enhances the lake–land breeze circulation; the nocturnal lakeward land breeze generates surface convergence effectively and precipitation intensifies over the lake. Conversely, the daytime landward lake breeze generates the intense divergence over the lake and precipitation is strongly depressed over the lake. The lake–land breeze and the background vapour enriched by Lake Malawi drive primarily a diurnal variation in the surface moisture flux divergence/convergence over the lake and surrounding area which contributes to the diurnal cycle of precipitation in this region.
    Print ISSN: 1027-5606
    Electronic ISSN: 1607-7938
    Topics: Geography , Geosciences
    Published by Copernicus on behalf of European Geosciences Union.
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2018-01-29
    Print ISSN: 0930-7575
    Electronic ISSN: 1432-0894
    Topics: Geosciences , Physics
    Published by Springer
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2017-09-01
    Print ISSN: 0169-8095
    Electronic ISSN: 1873-2895
    Topics: Geosciences , Physics
    Published by Elsevier
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2024-08-27
    Description: A main source of regional climate change uncertainty is the large disparity across models in simulating the atmospheric circulation response to global warming. Using the latest suite of global climate models from the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6), a storyline approach is adopted to derive physically plausible scenarios of Antarctic climate change for 2070–99, according to Shared Socioeconomic Pathway SSP5-8.5. These storylines correspond to differences in the simulated amount of seasonal sea ice loss and either (i) the delay in the summertime stratospheric polar vortex (SPV) breakdown or (ii) wintertime SPV strengthening, which together constitute robust drivers of the response pattern to future climate change. Such changes combined are known to exert a strong control over the Southern Hemisphere midlatitude jet stream, which we quantify as collectively explaining up to 70% of the variance in jet response in summer and 35% in winter. For summer, the expected strengthening and displacement of the tropospheric jet stream varies between a;1 and 2 m s21 increase and;28–48 poleward shift, respectively, across storylines. In both seasons, a larger strengthening of the jet is correlated with less Antarctic warming. By contrast, the response in precipitation is more consistent but still strongly attenuated by large-scale dynamics. We find that an increase in high-latitude precipitation around Antarctica is more pronounced for storylines characterized by a greater poleward jet shift, particularly in summer. Our results highlight the usefulness of the storyline approach in illustrating model uncertainty and understanding the processes that determine the spread in projected Antarctic regional climate response. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Uncertainty in future climate predictions for the Antarctic is dominated by the unknown response of the large-scale (global) atmospheric circulation. In characterizing such uncertainty, plausible outcomes of climate response (storylines) are generated from the organization of model projections according to the amount of simulated seasonal sea ice loss and the delay in summertime breakdown/winter strengthening of the stratospheric westerly circulation (polar vortex). The intensity and location of the tropospheric jet stream is strongly dependent on both factors, which strongly influences the near-surface climate response over Antarctica. We find that the simulated amount that Antarctic air temperatures increase by in the future (to the end of the century) is intrinsically related to the projected intensification of the Southern Hemisphere tropospheric jet, varying by a factor of 2 or more across storylines for summer. Storylines with greater jet strengthening are associated with less Antarctic warming (reduced poleward advection of air masses from lower latitudes). Similar differences are found for changes in jet position, which we note has a much stronger control on mid- to high-latitude precipitation response. This includes both an enhanced wetting response around Antarctica and drying response farther equatorward, for storylines characterized by a greater poleward jet shift.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
    Format: application/pdf
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