Call number:
9783319761022 (e-book)
Description / Table of Contents:
This richly illustrated book presents Germany’s geological evolution in the context of the Earth’s dynamic history. It starts with an introduction to Geology and explains the plate tectonic development, as well as the formation of both ancient and recent mountain belts - namely the Caledonian, Variscan and the modern-day Alps - that formed this part of Europe. A dedicated chapter discusses the origin of earthquakes in Germany, the occurrence of young volcanic rocks and the various episodes of rock deformation and metamorphism at these complex crossroads of plate tectonic history. The book highlights Germany’s diverse geological history, ranging from the origin of the Earth, the formation of deep crystalline rocks, and their overlying sedimentary sequences, to its more recent “ice age” quaternary cover. The last chapter addresses the shaping of the modern landscape. Though the content is also accessible for non-geologists, it is primarily intended for geoscience students and an academic audience
Type of Medium:
1 Online-Ressource (xxxvii, 304 Seiten)
Illustrationen, Diagramme, Karten
Online edition Springer eBook Collection. Earth and Environmental Science
Series Statement:
Regional Geology Reviews
Ebook (access only within the AWI network)
1 Introduction
2 Time and Geological Periods
3 Rocks and the Geological Record
4 The Age of the Rocks
5 Plate Tectonics, the Unifying Theory
6 Tectonics Units of Europe
6.1 Ancestral Europe
6.2 Paleo-Europe
6.3 Meso-Europe
6.4 Neo-Europe
7 Overview of the Plate Tectonic History of Europe
8 The Dynamic Earth, Earthquakes in Germany
9 Early Geological Evolution of Germany
9.1 The Pre-variscan Basement
9.2 Occurrences of Proterozoic and Early Paleozoic Units
9.2.1 Harz Mountains
9.2.2 Rheinisches Schiefergebirge
9.2.3 Lusatia
9.2.4 Elbe Zone
9.2.5 Erzgebirge
9.2.6 Schwarzburg Anticlinorium, Vesser Zone
9.2.7 Bohemian Massif
9.2.8 Black Forest
10 Late Paleozoic of Germany
10.1 The Variscan Orogeny
10.1.1 Rhenohercynian Zone
10.1.2 Saxothuringian Zone
10.1.3 Moldanubian Zone
10.2 Development of the Variscan Orogeny Through Time
10.2.1 Devonian
10.2.2 Carboniferous
10.3 The Variscides in Germany
10.3.1 Regional Geology of the Rhenohercynian
10.3.2 Northern Phyllite Zone
10.3.3 Regional Geology of the Saxothuringian
10.3.4 Saxothuringian (excluding the Mid-German Crystalline Zone)
10.3.5 Regional Geology of the Moldanubian
11 Permian and Mesozoic Geology of Germany
11.1 Post-Variscan History
11.2 Permian
11.2.1 Rotliegend
11.2.2 Zechstein
11.3 Permian/Triassic Boundary
11.4 Triassic
11.4.1 Buntsandstein (Bunter Sandstone)
11.4.2 Muschelkalk
11.4.3 Keuper
11.5 Triassic/Jurassic Boundary
11.6 Jurassic
11.6.1 Early Jurassic
11.6.2 Middle Jurassic
11.6.3 Late Jurassic
11.7 Cretaceous
11.7.1 Early Cretaceous
11.7.2 Late Cretaceous
11.8 Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary
12 The Evolution of the Alps
12.1 Overview of the Tectonic Structure of the Alps
12.1.1 Helvetic
12.1.2 Penninic
12.1.3 Austroalpine and Southern Alpine Units
12.2 Development of the Alpine Region During the Permian
12.3 The Alpine Triassic
12.4 The Alpine Jurassic
12.5 The Alpine Region in the Cretaceous and Early Tertiary
12.6 The Tectonic Evolution of the Alps
13 Tertiary Basins
13.1 Tertiary Brown Coal Deposits
13.2 The Upper Rhine Graben
13.3 The Northern Alpine Foreland Basin—The Molasse
14 Tertiary and Quaternary Volcanism
14.1 Volcanism in the Eifel
14.2 Westerwald, Siebengebirge, Vogelsberg, Rhön, and Heldburger Gangschar
14.3 Small Chimneys in the Odenwald and the Messel Pit
14.4 Kaiserstuhl
14.5 Tuff Chimneys of Bad Urach, Hegau
14.6 Eger Graben Area, Fichtel Mountains, Vogtland, and Lusatia
15 Asteroid Craters
16 Germany During the Glacial Periods
16.1 Glacial and Interglacial Periods
16.2 Deposits and Erosion Forms of the Glacial Periods
16.3 The Baltic Sea—A Relic from the Last Glaciation Period