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  • 1
    Call number: AWI G5-24-95794
    Description / Table of Contents: Ecosystems play a pivotal role in addressing climate change but are also highly susceptible to drastic environmental changes. Investigating their historical dynamics can enhance our understanding of how they might respond to unprecedented future environmental shifts. With Arctic lakes currently under substantial pressure from climate change, lessons from the past can guide our understanding of potential disruptions to these lakes. However, individual lake systems are multifaceted and complex. Traditional isolated lake studies often fail to provide a global perspective because localized nuances—like individual lake parameters, catchment areas, and lake histories—can overshadow broader conclusions. In light of these complexities, a more nuanced approach is essential to analyze lake systems in a global context. A key to addressing this challenge lies in the data-driven analysis of sedimentological records from various northern lake systems. This dissertation emphasizes lake systems in the northern Eurasian region, particularly in Russia (n=59). For this doctoral thesis, we collected sedimentological data from various sources, which required a standardized framework for further analysis. Therefore, we designed a conceptual model for integrating and standardizing heterogeneous multi-proxy data into a relational database management system (PostgreSQL). Creating a database from the collected data enabled comparative numerical analyses between spatially separated lakes as well as between different proxies. When analyzing numerous lakes, establishing a common frame of reference was crucial. We achieved this by converting proxy values from depth dependency to age dependency. This required consistent age calculations across all lakes and proxies using one age-depth modeling software. Recognizing the broader implications and potential pitfalls of this, we developed the LANDO approach ("Linked Age and Depth Modelling"). LANDO is an innovative integration of multiple age-depth modeling software into a singular, cohesive platform (Jupyter Notebook). Beyond its ability to aggregate data from five renowned age-depth modeling software, LANDO uniquely empowers users to filter out implausible model outcomes using robust geoscientific data. Our method is not only novel but also significantly enhances the accuracy and reliability of lake analyses. Considering the preceding steps, this doctoral thesis further examines the relationship between carbon in sediments and temperature over the last 21,000 years. Initially, we hypothesized a positive correlation between carbon accumulation in lakes and modelled paleotemperature. Our homogenized dataset from heterogeneous lakes confirmed this association, even if the highest temperatures throughout our observation period do not correlate with the highest carbon values. We assume that rapid warming events contribute more to high accumulation, while sustained warming leads to carbon outgassing. Considering the current high concentration of carbon in the atmosphere and rising temperatures, ongoing climate change could cause northern lake systems to contribute to a further increase in atmospheric carbon (positive feedback loop). While our findings underscore the reliability of both our standardized data and the LANDO method, expanding our dataset might offer even greater assurance in our conclusions.
    Description / Table of Contents: Ökosysteme spielen eine zentrale Rolle bei der Bewältigung des Klimawandels, gelten jedoch auch als äußerst anfällig für drastische Umweltveränderungen. Die Erforschung ihrer historischen Dynamiken kann unser Verständnis darüber verbessern, wie sich zukünftige Veränderungen angesichts beispielloser Umweltveränderungen auf sie auswirken können. Angesichts des enormen Stresses, dem arktische Seen durch den Klimawandel ausgesetzt sind, können konkrete Fälle aus der Vergangenheit helfen, mögliche Schwankungen im Ökosystem des Sees besser zu verstehen und zu deuten. Einzelne Seesysteme unterliegen jedoch einer inhärenten Komplexität und vielschichtigen Beschaffenheit. Klassische Einzelanalysen von Seen liefern oft keine globale Perspektive, da lokale Besonderheiten – wie individuelle Seeparameter, Einzugsgebiete und Seehistorien – allgemeinere Schlussfolgerungen überlagern können. Eine differenzierte Herangehensweise ist hierbei erforderlich, um Seesysteme im globalen Kontext angemessen zu analysieren. Ein Schlüssel zur Bewältigung dieser Herausforderung ist die datenwissenschaftliche Analyse von sedimentologischen Daten aus mehreren nördlichen Seesystemen. Diese Dissertation fokussiert sich dabei auf das Gebiet des nördlichen Eurasiens mit einem besonderen Fokus auf Seesystem in Russland (n=59). Die gesammelten sedimentologischen Daten für diese Doktorarbeit mussten hierfür zunächst standardisiert und homogenisiert werden. Hierfür wurde ein konzeptuelles Modell für die Integration und Standardisierung von heterogenen Multi-Proxy-Daten in ein relationales Datenbankverwaltungssystem (PostgreSQL) entworfen. Die Erstellung einer Datenbank aus der gesammelten Datenkollektion ermöglichte die numerische, vergleichende Analyse zwischen räumlich getrennten Seen als auch zwischen verschiedenen Proxys. Eine Analyse von mehreren Seen erforderte zudem eine gemeinsame Analyseebene, welche wir durch die Umwandlung von einer Tiefenabhängigkeit zu Altersabhängigkeit der Proxywerte erreichten. Diese bedurfte aber, dass die zugehörigen Alter von Proxywerte von allen Seen mit demselben Verfahren einer Alterstiefenmodellsoftware berechnet werden müssen. Angesichts der weitreichenden Implikationen und potenziellen Fallstricke entwickelten wir den LANDO-Ansatz („Linked Age and Depth Modelling“). LANDO stellt eine innovative Integration mehrerer Alters-Tiefen-Modellierungssoftware in eine einheitliche, kohärente Plattform (Jupyter Notebook) dar. Neben seiner Fähigkeit, Daten von fünf renommierten Alters-Tiefen-Modellierungssoftware zu aggregieren, ermöglicht LANDO es den Nutzern auf einzigartige Weise, unbegründete Modellergebnisse anhand robuster geowissenschaftlicher Daten herauszufiltern. Unsere Methode ist nicht nur neuartig, sondern steigert auch signifikant die Genauigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit von Seeanalysen. Schlussendlich unter Berücksichtigung der vorangegangenen Schritte betrachtet die Doktorarbeit den Zusammenhang zwischen Kohlenstoff in Sedimenten und Temperatur über die letzten 21 000 Jahre. Zunächst nehmen wir an, dass es eine positive Korrelation zwischen Kohlenstoffakkumulation in Seen und modellierter Paläo-Temperatur gibt. Diese kann dank des homogenisierten Datensatzes von heterogenen Seen bestätigt werden, wenn auch die höchsten Temperaturen über unseren Betrachtungszeitraum nicht korrelieren mit den höchsten Kohlenstoffwerten. Wir gehen davon aus, dass schnelle Erwärmungsereignisse eher zu einer hohen Akkumulation beitragen, während bestehende Erwärmung eher zu einer Ausgasung von Kohlenstoff führt. In Anbetracht der aktuellen hohen Konzentration von Kohlenstoff in der Atmosphäre und der steigenden Temperaturen, können bei einem weiterführenden Klimawandel nördliche Seesysteme zu einem weiteren Anstieg von atmosphärischem Kohlenstoff führen (positive Feedbackschleife). Obwohl die bemerkenswerten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass unser Ansatz aus standardisierten Daten und LANDO zuverlässig ist, könnte eine größere Datenmenge das Vertrauen in die Ergebnisse noch weiter stärken.
    Type of Medium: Dissertations
    Pages: xiii, 136 Seiten , Illustrationen, Diagramme
    Language: English
    Note: kumulative Dissertation, Universität Potsdam, 2024 , Table of contents Abstract Zusammenfassung List of figures List of tables 1 Introduction 1.1 Scientific background and motivation 1.1.1 Geoscientific perspective 1.1.2 Data scientific perspective 1.2 Methodological overview 1.2.1 Regional setting 1.2.2 Data cleaning procedure and data availability 1.3 Own prior contributions 1.4 Research questions and hypotheses 2 Harmonizing heterogeneous multi-proxy data from lake systems 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Methods 2.2.1 Data collection 2.2.2 Conceptual approach 2.2.3 Comparative analysis 2.3 Results and Discussion 2.4 Conclusions 3 Improving age-depth relationships using the LANDO (“Linked age and depth modeling”) model ensemble 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Methods 3.2.1 Input 3.2.2 Preparation 3.2.3 Execution 3.2.4 Result aggregation 3.2.5 Evaluation of model performance 3.2.6 Further analysis –sedimentation rate development over time 3.3 Results 3.3.1 “Continuously deposited sequence” – Case Study no. 1 3.3.2 “Inconsistent sequence” – Case Study no. 2 3.3.3 “Multiple cores” – Case Study no. 3 3.4 Discussion 3.4.1 Assessment of different case studies 3.4.2 Design of LANDO 3.4.3 Technical specifications of LANDO 3.4.4 Current and future model implementation in LANDO 3.5 Conclusion 4 Effect of temperature on carbon accumulation in northern lake systems over the past 21 000 years 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Methods 4.3 Results 4.4 Discussion 4.4.1 Lake carbon-temperature relationship across millennia 4.4.2 Spatial heterogeneity of lake carbon accumulation 4.4.3 Method selection for predicting dry bulk density 4.5 Conclusion 5 Synthesis 5.1 Navigating the interdisciplinary landscape: Geoscience and data science in dialogue 5.2 Delving into the depths: Uncovering past lake dynamics 5.3 Conclusion References Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Acknowledgement Eidesstaatliche Erklärung
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2010-08-05
    Print ISSN: 1618-2162
    Electronic ISSN: 1610-1995
    Topics: Computer Science
    Published by Springer
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2013-05-24
    Print ISSN: 1618-2162
    Electronic ISSN: 1610-1995
    Topics: Computer Science
    Published by Springer
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2016-06-08
    Print ISSN: 1618-2162
    Electronic ISSN: 1610-1995
    Topics: Computer Science
    Published by Springer
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2009-06-26
    Print ISSN: 1865-2034
    Electronic ISSN: 1865-2042
    Topics: Computer Science
    Published by Springer
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2014-02-15
    Print ISSN: 0170-6012
    Electronic ISSN: 1432-122X
    Topics: Computer Science
    Published by Springer
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2021-08-01
    Print ISSN: 0098-3004
    Electronic ISSN: 1873-7803
    Topics: Geosciences , Computer Science
    Published by Elsevier
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  • 8
    Publication Date: 2021-08-05
    Description: In response to increasing Arctic temperatures, ice-rich permafrost landscapes are undergoing rapid changes. In permafrost lowlands, polygonal ice wedges are especially prone to degradation. Melting of ice wedges results in deepening troughs and the transition from low-centered to high-centered ice-wedge polygons. This process has important implications for surface hydrology, as the connectivity of such troughs determines the rate of drainage for these lowland landscapes. In this study, we present a comprehensive, modular, and highly automated workflow to extract, to represent, and to analyze remotely sensed ice-wedge polygonal trough networks as a graph (i.e., network structure). With computer vision methods, we efficiently extract the trough locations as well as their geomorphometric information on trough depth and width from high-resolution digital elevation models and link these data within the graph. Further, we present and discuss the benefits of graph analysis algorithms for characterizing the erosional development of such thaw-affected landscapes. Based on our graph analysis, we show how thaw subsidence has progressed between 2009 and 2019 following burning at the Anaktuvuk River fire scar in northern Alaska, USA. We observed a considerable increase in the number of discernible troughs within the study area, while simultaneously the number of disconnected networks decreased from 54 small networks in 2009 to only six considerably larger disconnected networks in 2019. On average, the width of the troughs has increased by 13.86%, while the average depth has slightly decreased by 10.31%. Overall, our new automated approach allows for monitoring ice-wedge dynamics in unprecedented spatial detail, while simultaneously reducing the data to quantifiable geometric measures and spatial relationships.
    Electronic ISSN: 2072-4292
    Topics: Architecture, Civil Engineering, Surveying , Geography
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2024-08-16
    Description: This data collection of age determination data from high latitude lake systems (50° N to 90° N, 55 sediment cores, and a total of 602 dating points) was part of the multi-core study of the LANDO approach. The term “LANDO” refers to the implementation by Pfalz et al. (2022), which stands for “Linked age and depth modeling”. We collected the data between 2018 and 2021 from either the Pangaea database, PaleoLake database, or tables within the main body or supplementary material of publications. The uploaded data collection contains links to the main data source and paper reference for the corresponding age determination dataset. The data harmonization followed the syntax and semantics proposed by Pfalz et al. (2021) on harmonizing heterogeneous multi-proxy data. This data collection is based on drilling campaigns from 1993 to 2020.
    Keywords: Aage depth model; Arctic; AWI_Envi; Lake sediment; Polar Terrestrial Environmental Systems @ AWI; Radiocarbon chronology; Radiocarbon datings
    Type: dataset bundled publication
    Format: application/zip, 2 datasets
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  • 10
    Publication Date: 2024-08-16
    Description: This data collection of age determination data from high latitude lake systems (50° N to 90° N, 55 sediment cores, and a total of 602 dating points) was part of the multi-core study of the LANDO approach. The term “LANDO” refers to the implementation by Pfalz et al. (2022), which stands for “Linked age and depth modeling”. We collected the data between 2018 and 2021 from either the Pangaea database, PaleoLake database, or tables within the main body or supplementary material of publications. The uploaded data collection contains links to the main data source and paper reference for the corresponding age determination dataset. The data harmonization followed the syntax and semantics proposed by Pfalz et al. (2021) ( on harmonizing heterogeneous multi-proxy data. This data collection is based on drilling campaigns from 1993 to 2020.
    Keywords: 09-TIK-13; 16-KP-04-L19; Aage depth model; Altai Mountains, Russia; Arctic; AWI_Envi; AWI Arctic Land Expedition; Basalt Sø; Changeable; Chukotka 2018; Co1309; Co1412; COMPCORE; Composite Core; CON01-6; CON01-603-5; Core; CORE; Core length; DATE/TIME; Date/Time of event; Depth, bathymetric; Elgygytgyn1998; Elgygytgyn crater lake, Sibiria, Russia; EN18208; EN18218; Event label; GC; GL-Land_1994; Gravity corer; Gravity corer Potsdam; Greenland94; Hand push corer; HSR; KAL; Kasten corer; Keperveem_2016; Ladoga Lake, Russia; Lake Baikal, Russia; Lake Billyakh, Verkhoyansk Mountains, Yakuti, Russia; Lake Bolshoe Toko, Yakutia, Russia; Lake Emanda; Lake Lyadhej-To; Lake sediment; Lama Lake; LATITUDE; Latitude of event; Lena2010; LONGITUDE; Longitude of event; Norilsk/Taymyr, Sibiria; Norilsk/Taymyr93; Norilsk97; northeastern Siberia; PC; PCUWI; PG1111; PG1205; PG1214; PG1228; PG1238; PG1341; PG1351; PG1437; PG1755; PG1756; PG1984; PG2023; PG2208; Piston corer; Piston corer, UWITEC; Polar Terrestrial Environmental Systems @ AWI; PolarUral-99; Radiocarbon chronology; Radiocarbon datings; Raffles Sø (lake); Reference/source; RU-Land_1993_Norilsk_Taymyr; RU-Land_1995_Taymyr; RU-Land_1996_Taymyr; RU-Land_1997_Norilsk; RU-Land_1998_Elgygytgyn; RU-Land_1999_PolarUral; RU-Land_2005_Verkhoyansk; RU-Land_2009_Lena-transect; RU-Land_2010_Lena; RU-Land_2013_Yakutia; RU-Land_2016_Keperveem; RU-Land_2018_Chukotka; SEDCO; Sediment corer; Site; SL_P; Taymyr; Taymyr95; Labaz_Lake_Expedition; Taymyr96; Labaz_Lake_Expedition; Tel2006; Teletskoye; Tiksi2009; Tschukotka, Sibiria, Russia; Vereshchagin; Water sampler, UWITEC; WSUWI; Yakutia2005; Yakutia2013
    Type: dataset
    Format: text/tab-separated-values, 100 data points
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