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  • 1
    Call number: AWI P9-24-95719
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 137 Seiten , überwiegend Illustrationen , 28 cm
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 2
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Moskva : Izdatel'stvo "Nauka"
    Call number: AWI G2-24-95716
    Description / Table of Contents: Сборник включает материалы симпозиума "Поздиечетвертичная история и седиментогенез окраинных и внутренних морей", проведенного Океанографической комиссией АН СССР в 1977 г. На симпозиуме были рассмотрены результаты исследований последних лет в области стратиграфии и литологии четвертичных осадков морей СССР и шельфовой зоны Мирового океана, поздиечетвертичная история южных и дальневосточных морей СССР и некоторых морей европейского Севера. Сборник представляет интерес для геологов-четвертичников, географов, литологов, океанологов, морских геоморфологов и геологов.
    Description / Table of Contents: Translation of abstract: The collection includes materials from the symposium “Late Quaternary history and sedimentogenesis of marginal and inland seas”, held by the Oceanographic Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1977. The symposium examined the results of recent research in the field of stratigraphy and lithology of Quaternary sediments of the seas of the USSR and the shelf zone of the World Ocean, the late Quaternary history of the southern and the Far Eastern seas of the USSR and some seas of the European North. The collection is of interest to Quaternary geologists, geographers, lithologists, oceanologists, marine geomorphologists and geologists.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 211 Seiten , Illustrationen , 2 Kartenbeilagen
    Language: Russian
    Note: СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Особенности седиментогенеза на континентальных окраинах океанов и во внутренних морях / Ф. А. Щербаков Строение плиоцен-четвертичной толщи дна Баренцева моря на разрезе полуостров Рыбачий - острова Земля Франца-Иосифа / А. И. Блажчишин, Т. И. Линькова, О. В. Кириллов, Е. П. Шкатов К палеогеографии Баренцева моря в позднеледниковье и голоцене / Б. Н. Котенев Эволюция осадконакопления в прибрежных районах Баренцева и Белого морей в поздне- и послеледниковое время / В. Я. Евзеров Стратиграфия верхнечетвертичных отложений северной части Белого моря / Р. Н. Джиноридзе, Е. А. Кириенко, Л. В. Калугина, А. Е. Рыбалко, М. А. Спиридонов, Е. А. Спиридонова Палинологический и диатомовый анализ донных отложений Балтийского моря / Г. И. Клейменова, В. И. Хомутова, Е. М. Вишневская Стратиграфия позднечетвертичных отложений Черного моря / Ф. А. Щербаков, Е. В. Коренева, Э. К. Забелина Палеогеография Черноморского бассейна в позднечетвертичное время по данным палинологического анализа глубоководных отложений / А. В. Комаров Особенности седиментогенеза в морских подводных каньонах кавказского шельфа Черного моря / К. И. Джанджгава Об изменении биопродуктивности вод Черного моря в голоцене / Н. М. Андреева, Б. Н. Котенев, Л. Н. Розов Закономерности формирования и распределения водно-физических свойств глубоководных осадков Черного моря / В. А. Емельянов, А. Ю. Митропольский Геологическая история Керченского пролива в позднечетвертичное время / Е. Ф. Шнюков, В. М. Аленкин, А. В. Григорьев, А. Л. Путь, Н. А. Ломаев Отражение глубинных структур в морских четвертичных отложениях центральной части Азовского моря / В. Н. Семененко, О. Г. Сиденко Марганцеворудный процесс в позднем антропогене Азово-Черноморского бассейна / Г. Н. Орловский Палеоклиматы, водный баланс и уровни Черного и Каспийского морей в позднем плейстоцене-голоцене / И. Г. Авенариус Гипотетическая климатическая кривая основных этапов осадконакопления Каспийского моря в позднем плейстоцене / В.К Шкатова Процессы седиментогенеза в море Леванта / А. А. Мусса, А. Ю. Митропольский Петрографо-минералогическая характеристика современных отложений Бенгальского залива и Андаманского моря / Д. Е. Гершанович, А. И. Конюхов, И. А.Назаревич Терригенно-минералогические провинции прибрежно-шельфовой зоны Западного Индостана / О. К. Тареева Морфотектоника материкового побережья юга Дальнего Востока и морские трансгрессии позднего плейстоцена-голоцена / А. П. Кулаков Последние этапы голоценовой трансгрессии в бассейнах Японского и Охотского морей / А. М. Короткий, П. Ф. Бровко, И. И. Задкова, В. С. Пушкарь, И. Г. Шахгельдян Основные черты геологического строения шельфа и материкового склона Японского моря у побережья СССР / И. И. Берсенев, И. К. Пущин Четвертичные отложения шельфа Южного приморья на примере залива Петра Великого (Японское море) / Ю. Д. Марков Позднеnлейстоценовые бассейны Юго-Западной Камчатки и их связь с неотектоническими движениями / Р. Б. Крапивнер Криолитозона арктического шельфа Азии / З. Н. Антипина, Ф. Э. Арэ, В. В. Войченко, E. H. Молочушкин Опыт количественной оценки голоценовых тектонических движений в области шельфа / Н. Н. Дунаев Об использовании метода измерения магнитной восприимчивости морских осадков для восстановления условий их формирования на шельфе / Ю. В. Кочемасов , Translation of Table of Contents Features of sedimentogenesis on the continental margins of the oceans and in inland seas / F. A. Shcherbakov Structure of the Pliocene-Quaternary strata of the Barents Sea bottom in the section of the Rybachy Peninsula - Franz Josef Land Islands / A. I. Blazhchishin, T. I. Linkova, O. V. Kirillov, E. P. Shkatov On the paleogeography of the Barents Sea in the Late Glacial and Holocene / B. N. Kotenev Evolution of sedimentation in the coastal areas of the Barents and White Seas in late and post-glacial times / V. Ya. Evzerov Stratigraphy of Upper Quaternary sediments of the northern part of the White Sea / R. N. Dzhinoridze, E. A. Kiriyenko, L. V. Kalugina, A. E. Rybalko, M. A. Spiridonov, E. A. Spiridonova Palynological and diatom analysis of bottom sediments of the Baltic Sea / G. I. Kleimenova, V. I. Khomutova, E. M. Vishnevskaya Stratigraphy of Late Quaternary sediments of the Black Sea / F. A. Shcherbakov, E. V. Koreneva, E. K. Zabelina Paleogeography of the Black Sea basin in the late Quaternary according to palynological analysis of deep-sea sediments / A. V. Komarov Features of sedimentogenesis in marine underwater canyons of the Caucasian shelf of the Black Sea / K. I. Dzhandzhgava On changes in the bioproductivity of the Black Sea waters in the Holocene / N. M. Andreeva, B. N. Kotenev, L. N. Rozov Regularities of formation and distribution of water-physical properties of deep-sea sediments of the Black Sea / V. A. Emelyanov, A. Yu. Mitropolsky Geological history of the Kerch Strait in the late Quaternary / E. F. Shnyukov, V. M. Alenkin, A. V. Grigoriev, A. L. Put, N. A. Lomaev Reflection of deep structures in marine Quaternary sediments of the central part of the Azov Sea / V. N. Semenenko, O. G. Sidenko Manganese ore process in the late Anthropogene of the Azov-Black Sea basin / G. N. Orlovsky Paleoclimates, water balance and levels of the Black and Caspian Seas in the Late Pleistocene-Holocene / I. G. Avenarius Hypothetical climate curve of the main stages of sedimentation of the Caspian Sea in the Late Pleistocene / V.K Shkatova Processes of sedimentogenesis in the Levant Sea / A. A. Mussa, A. Yu. Mitropolsky Petrographic-mineralogical characteristics of modern sediments of the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea / D. E. Gershanovich, A. I. Konyukhov, I. A. Nazarevich Terrigenous-mineralogical provinces of the coastal-shelf zone of Western Hindustan / O. K. Tareeva Morphotectonics of the continental coast of the south of the Far East and marine transgressions of the late Pleistocene-Holocene / A. P. Kulakov The last stages of the Holocene transgression in the basins of the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk / A. M. Korotkiy, P. F. Brovko, I. I. Zadkova, V. S. Pushkar, I. G. Shakhgeldyan Main features of the geological structure of the shelf and continental slope of the Sea of Japan off the coast of the USSR / I. I. Bersenev, I. K. Pushchin Quaternary sediments of the Southern Primorye shelf using the example of Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan) / Yu. D. Markov Late Leistocene basins of Southwestern Kamchatka and their connection with neotectonic movements / R. B. Krapivner Cryolithozone of the Arctic shelf of Asia / Z. N. Antipina, F. E. Are, V. V. Voichenko, E. H. Molochushkin Experience in quantitative assessment of Holocene tectonic movements in the shelf area / N. N. Dunaev On the use of the method of measuring the magnetic susceptibility of marine sediments to restore the conditions of their formation on the shelf / Yu. V. Kochemasov , In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 3
    Ariadna Ediciones | Ariadna
    Publication Date: 2024-04-16
    Description: Juan Marchena pointed out at the time, that "you have to stop following looking at our navels”. This phrase, intended for the context of independence American, reflects his deep concern for a story that would break the local schemes, national borders and interconnected with a larger than would allow us to analyze the future of America, linking events both Americans as Europeans. Within this framework, he would also place emphasis on the analysis of social dynamics, many of them conditioned by political, social, economic and geographical contexts, among others. One of his references would be the repercussions of the French Revolution in the Caribbean, and its direct influence on the movements in Martinique (1790-1793), Guadeloupe (1795-1802) and the most relevant, Haiti (1804); this The latter, I would point out, would in turn have an effect on those that broke out in Venezuela and, in addition to arousing fears throughout Spanish America due to its political scope, it would also do so because it was a rebellion led by black slaves against the white European elite established in the new World.
    Keywords: Latin America; independence processes, diplomacy, Europe ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHK History of the Americas
    Language: Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 4
    Cornell University Press | Cornell University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-16
    Description: The egotism that fuels the desire for greatness has been associated exclusively with men, according to one feminist view; yet many women cannot suppress the need to strive for greatness. In this forceful and compelling book, Alison Booth traces through the novels, essays, and other writings of George Eliot and Virginia Woolf radically conflicting attitudes on the part of each toward the possibility of feminine greatness. Examining the achievements of Eliot and Woolf in their social contexts, she provides a challenging model of feminist historical criticism.
    Keywords: Literature: history and criticism ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSK Literary studies: fiction, novelists and prose writers
    Language: English
    Format: image/png
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  • 5
    Peter Lang International Academic Publishers
    Publication Date: 2024-04-16
    Description: The book is the third volume of an extensive four-volume monograph devoted to the work of Cyprian Norwid (1821–1883), one of the most outstanding Polish authors. The impact of Norwid’s oeuvre does not fade, as he addresses fundamental and timeless issues, such as the moral and spiritual condition of man or his place in the world and history, and seeks to answer universal questions. The book contains an extensive selection of interpretations made by eminent researchers, who represent different approaches to Norwid’s works: his poems, short stories, dramas and lithographs.
    Keywords: 19th century poetry ; Agata ; Brajerska ; Chlebowska ; Christian tradition ; Cyprian ; Edyta ; Essays ; Fazan ; Gałecki ; Interpretations ; Jaroslaw ; Łukasz ; Mazur ; Norwid ; Poetics semantics ; Polish Art ; Polish Literature ; Romanticism ; Studies ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DC Poetry ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History
    Language: English
    Format: image/png
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  • 6
    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History | Dykinson
    Publication Date: 2024-04-16
    Description: The university reforms that took place in Europe throughout the 18th century were an important moment of change in the history of these institutions. In the Iberian Peninsula, this wave of reforms left its mark in Coimbra and Salamanca (later reaching the other Spanish universities). Portugal and Spain were no strangers to the motivations and even to the general lines of this wave of reforms. Inseparable from the ideas of the Enlightenment, and with a clear will to combat the backwardness and decadence of these institutions, rather ambitious projects emerged, albeit in different degrees. Coimbra faced a rather disruptive initial situation while in Salamanca later plans (1807, for example) proved to be quite ambitious as well. All having a mandatory nature, it would not be correct to say that these Universities did not participate in these processes of reform. Individually or on behalf of collective bodies, several initiatives and proposals emerged during this period in both Universities. In addition, the participation of professors in the statutes and plans that were launched since 1771 is recurrent. Beyond this aspect, it will not be forced to state that the curricular aspect was the most significant mark of these reforms. Thus, we chose to study in a comparative way subjects that sought to explain the concept of nature and its products. With the clear objective of preparing a body of technicians capable of providing a rational and effective exploitation of the various natural products, the faculties of mathematics and philosophy emerged. In the case of medicine, natural products were essential to produce medicines and in this sense the reform of this knowledge brought, among other changes, matters linked to pharmaceutical studies. In the area of law, a relevant introduction was natural law. The perception of natural law was not similar in both countries, and an evident consequence was the greater instability of this chair in Salamanca. Inseparable from the curricular aspects was the adoption of foreign compendia and the encouragement given to the teachers to write their own textbooks. The adoption of textbooks was quite similar, and clearly shows us the lines that reformers sought to follow to modernize these university institutions.
    Description: Published
    Description: Las reformas universitarias que tuvieron lugar en Europa a lo largo del siglo XVIII supusieron un importante momento de cambio en la historia de estas instituciones. En la Península Ibérica, esta oleada de reformas dejó su impronta en Coimbra y Salamanca (llegando después a las demás universidades españolas). Portugal y España no fueron ajenos a las motivaciones e incluso a las líneas generales de esta ola de reformas. Inseparables de las ideas de la Ilustración, y con una clara voluntad de combatir el atraso y la decadencia de estas instituciones, surgieron proyectos bastante ambiciosos, aunque en distinto grado. Coimbra se enfrentó a una situación inicial bastante perturbadora, mientras que en Salamanca los planes posteriores (1807, por ejemplo) resultaron también bastante ambiciosos. Teniendo todas ellas un carácter obligatorio, no sería correcto decir que estas Universidades no participaron en estos procesos de reforma. Individualmente o en nombre de organismos colectivos, surgieron durante este periodo varias iniciativas y propuestas en ambas Universidades. Además, es recurrente la participación de los profesores en los estatutos y planes que se pusieron en marcha desde 1771. Más allá de este aspecto, no será forzado afirmar que el aspecto curricular fue la marca más significativa de estas reformas. Así, se optó por estudiar de forma comparada las asignaturas que buscaban explicar el concepto de naturaleza y sus productos. Con el claro objetivo de preparar un cuerpo de técnicos capaces de proporcionar una explotación racional y eficaz de los distintos productos naturales, surgieron las facultades de matemáticas y filosofía. En el caso de la medicina, los productos naturales eran imprescindibles para la elaboración de medicamentos y, en este sentido, la reforma de estos conocimientos trajo, entre otros cambios, materias vinculadas a los estudios farmacéuticos. En el ámbito del derecho, una introducción relevante fue el derecho natural. La percepción del derecho natural no era similar en ambos países, y una consecuencia evidente fue la mayor inestabilidad de esta cátedra en Salamanca. Inseparable de los aspectos curriculares fue la adopción de compendios extranjeros y el estímulo dado a los profesores para escribir sus propios libros de texto. La adopción de libros de texto fue bastante similar, y nos muestra claramente las líneas que pretendían seguir los reformistas para modernizar estas instituciones universitarias.
    Keywords: University of Coimbra ; University of Salamanca ; Enlightenment ; Nature ; Science ; Universidad de Coimbra ; Universidad de Salamanca ; Ilustración ; Naturaleza ; Ciencia ; thema EDItEUR::L Law ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNM Higher education, tertiary education
    Language: English
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 7
    Leuven University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-16
    Description: The strengths and opportunities of ageing and the ageing population. Silver empowerment is a valuable paradigm to improve care and support systems for older persons. It aims to counteract the dominant image of ageing, which is all too often one of decline, dependency and vulnerability, and rather sees ageing and the ageing population as a challenge that opens up new opportunities. By focusing on the strengths and connections of older persons, silver empowerment strives for an inclusive, age-friendly society that will allow everyone to grow old with dignity and meaning. In this book, leading academics from a variety of disciplines discuss ways to enhance the empowerment of older persons in practice. Covering a wide range of topics such as resilience, loneliness, community-based care, the interplay between formal and informal care, the inclusion of older persons’ perspectives in research and care, and empowering policy, Silver Empowerment is of interest to academics, policy makers and practitioners interested in empowerment and care and support systems for older persons.
    Description: Contributors: Jasper De Witte (KU Leuven), Tine Van Regenmortel (KU Leuven / Tilburg University), Leen Heylen (Thomas More), Benedicte De Koker (HOGENT), Dimitri Mortelmans (University of Antwerp), Anja Declercq (KU Leuven), Elena Bendien (Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing), Susan Woelders (Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing), Tineke Abma (Leiden University Medical Center / Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing), Meriam Janssen (Tilburg University), Katrien Luijkx (Tilburg University), Aukelien Scheffelaar (Tilburg University), Annerieke Stoop (Tilburg University), Jozef Pacolet (KU Leuven), Gregorio Rodríguez Cabrero (University of Alcalá), Simón Sosvilla-Rivero (Complutense University of Madrid), Katrien Steenssens (KU Leuven). Ebook available in Open Access. This publication is GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content).
    Keywords: Older persons;empowerment;resilience;loneliness;neighbourhood-oriented care;informal care;person-centered care;empowering policy ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JK Social services and welfare, criminology::JKS Social welfare and social services::JKSG Care of the elderly ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBS Social groups, communities and identities::JBSP Age groups and generations::JBSP4 Age groups: the elderly
    Language: English
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  • 8
    Springer Nature
    Publication Date: 2024-04-16
    Description: The objective of this book is to help at-risk organizations to decipher the “safety cloud”, and to position themselves in terms of operational decisions and improvement strategies in safety, considering the path already travelled, their context, objectives and constraints. What link can be established between safety culture and safety models in order to increase safety within companies carrying out dangerous activities? First, while the term “safety culture” is widely shared among the academic and industrial world, it leads to various interpretations and therefore different positioning when it comes to assess, improve or change it. Many safety theories, concepts, and models coexist today, being more or less appealing and/or directly useful to the industry. How, and based on which criteria, to choose from the available options? These are some of the questions addressed in this book, which benefits from the expertise of its worldwide famous authors in several industrial sectors.
    Keywords: Engineering ; Quality control ; Reliability ; Industrial safety ; Economic sociology ; Industrial psychology ; Industrial organization ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHB Sociology::JHBL Sociology: work and labour ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JM Psychology::JMJ Occupational and industrial psychology ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KC Economics::KCD Economics of industrial organization ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TG Mechanical engineering and materials::TGP Production and industrial engineering::TGPR Reliability engineering
    Language: English
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 9
    Liverpool University Press | Liverpool University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-16
    Description: This volume contributes to the vibrant, ongoing recuperative work on women’s writing by shedding new light on a group of authors commonly dismissed as middlebrow in their concerns and conservative in their styles and politics. The neologism ‘interfeminism’ – coined to partner Kristin Bluemel’s ‘intermodernism’ – locates this group chronologically and ideologically between two ‘waves’ of feminism, whilst also forging connections between the political and cultural monoliths that have traditionally overshadowed them. Drawing attention to the strengths of this ‘out-of-category’ writing in its own right, this volume also highlights how intersecting discourses of gender, class and society in the interwar and postwar periods pave the way for the bold reassessments of female subjectivity that characterise second and third wave feminism. The essays showcase the stylistic, cultural and political vitality of a substantial group of women authors of fiction, non-fiction, drama, poetry and journalism including Vera Brittain, Storm Jameson, Nancy Mitford, Phyllis Shand Allfrey, Rumer Godden, Attia Hosain, Doris Lessing, Kamala Markandaya, Susan Ertz, Marghanita Laski, Elizabeth Bowen, Edith Pargeter, Eileen Bigland, Nancy Spain, Vera Laughton Matthews, Pamela Hansford Johnson, Dorothy Whipple, Elizabeth Taylor, Daphne du Maurier, Barbara Comyns, Shelagh Delaney, Stevie Smith and Penelope Mortimer. Additional exploration of the popular magazines Woman’s Weekly and Good Housekeeping and new material from the Vera Brittain archive add an innovative dimension to original readings of the literature of a transformative period of British social and cultural history. List of contributors: Natasha Periyan, Eleanor Reed, Maroula Joannou , Lola Serraf, Sue Kennedy, Ana Ashraf, Chris Hopkins, Gill Plain, Lucy Hall, Katherine Cooper, Nick Turner, Maria Elena Capitani, James Underwood, and Jane Thomas.
    Keywords: Social Science ; People With Disabilities ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBF Social and ethical issues::JBFM Disability: social aspects
    Language: English
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 10
    Springer Nature
    Publication Date: 2024-04-16
    Description: Dieses Open-Access-Buch hat das Anliegen, das Zusammenspiel von Wissenschaft, Medien und Öffentlichkeit zu analysieren und nach Wegen zu suchen, es zu verbessern. Die Publikation wurde mit Mitteln der Daimler und Benz Stiftung, der Körber-Stiftung, der Stiftung Mercator sowie der VolkswagenStiftung gefördert und initiiert vom Arbeitskreis „Wissenschaft und Forschung“ des Bundesverbands Deutscher Stiftungen (Leitung: Jörg Klein, Matthias Mayer, Cornelia Soetbeer, Felix Streiter). Nicht nur der unabhängige Journalismus, sondern auch Forscherinnen und Forscher und ihre in jahrelanger Arbeit gewonnenen wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse werden in Zweifel gezogen und als fragwürdig abgetan. Auch hierzulande finden sich immer mehr Bürger bereit, schulterzuckend an „alternative Fakten“ zu glauben. Neben der Evolutionstheorie reüssiert der Kreationismus, entgegen den Statistiken zum volksgesundheitlichen Wert von Impfungen gewinnen Impfgegner an Boden. Wie können Öffentlichkeitsarbeiter und Journalisten mit dieser brisanten Entwicklung umgehen? Was bedeutet sie für Wissenschaftler, Forschungseinrichtungen, Universitäten oder Stiftungen? Mit welchen Inhalten und mit welchen Medienformaten erreichen sie eine Öffentlichkeit, die zunehmend bereit ist oder auch dazu verführt wird, rasche und eingängige Antworten zu akzeptieren, und sich von einer fundierten Auseinandersetzung etwa mit den Ursachen des Klimawandels nicht selten überfordert fühlt? Wie kann es grundsätzlich gelingen, ein Klima des Vertrauens herzustellen, das letztlich die Basis für solche Diskurse darstellt? Für das Buch Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft: Ein vertrauensvoller Dialog. Positionen und Perspektiven der Wissenschaftskommunikation heute baten die Herausgeber – Dr. Johannes Schnurr (Pressesprecher der Daimler und Benz Stiftung) und Prof. Dr. Alexander Mäder (Professor für digitalen Nachrichtenjournalismus an der Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart) – Journalisten und Öffentlichkeitsarbeiter, Wissenschaftler, Blogger sowie Vertreter von Stiftungen und Forschungseinrichtungen, zu erläutern, wie sie sich – persönlich – diesem gesamtgesellschaftlichen Trend zur reinen Meinung entgegenstellen und mit welchen Methoden sie das öffentliche Ansehen der Wissenschaft stärken möchten. Der Band beleuchtet die aktuelle Situation aus der Perspektive unterschiedlicher Interessenvertreter in diesen Bereichen und sucht neben einer Bestandsaufnahme nach Lösungsansätzen.
    Keywords: Popular works ; Social sciences ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general
    Language: German
    Format: image/jpeg
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