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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Obreht, Igor; Zeeden, Christian; Hambach, Ulrich; Veres, Daniel; Marković, Slobodan B; Bösken, Janina; Svirčev, Zorica; Bačević, Nikola; Gavrilov, Milivoj B; Lehmkuhl, Frank (2016): High-resolution grain-size, environmental magnetic, spectrophotometric and geochemical data from the Stalac section, Serbia [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Obreht, I et al. (2016): Tracing the influence of Mediterranean climate on Southeastern Europe during the past 350,000 years. Scientific Reports, 6(36334),

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Loess-palaeosol sequences are valuable archives of past environmental changes. Although regional palaeoclimatic trends and conditions in Southeastern Europe have been inferred from loess sequences, large scale forcing mechanisms responsible for their formation have yet to be determined. Southeastern Europe is a climatically sensitive region, existing under the strong influence of both Mediterranean and continental climates. Establishment of the spatial and temporal evolution and interaction of these climatic areas is essential to understand the mechanisms of loess formation. Here we present high-resolution grain-size, environmental magnetic, spectrophotometric and geochemical data from the Stalac section (43°40.64812'N, 21°25.06967'E, 208 m a.s.l.) in the Central Balkans (Serbia) for the past ~350,000 years. The goal of this study is to determine the influence of the Mediterranean climate during this period. Data show that the Central Balkans were under different atmospheric circulation regimes, especially during Marine Isotope Stages 9 and 7, while continental climate prevailed further north. We observe a general weakening of the Mediterranean climate influence with time. Our data suggest that Marine Isotope Stage 5 was the first interglacial in the Central Balkans that had continental climate characteristics. This prominent shift in climatic conditions resulted in unexpectedly warm and humid conditions during the last glacial.
Latitude: 43.677470 * Longitude: 21.417830
Stalac * Latitude: 43.677470 * Longitude: 21.417830 * Elevation: 208.0 m * Location: Serbia * Method/Device: Soil profile (SOIL)
For details on the methodology please see related paper.
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