Nova Hedwigia (ISSN 0029-5035, e-ISSN 2363-7188)

Nova Hedwigia is an international journal publishing original, peer-reviewed papers on current issues of taxonomy, morphology, ultrastructure and ecology of all groups of cryptogamic plants, including cyanophytes/cyanobacteria and fungi. The half-tone plates in Nova Hedwigia are known for their high quality, which makes them especially suitable for the reproduction of photomicrographs and scanning and transmission electron micrographs.

Publication system and frequency

Two volumes of Nova Hedwigia Main volumes are published per year. One volume consists of two double issues with about 550 pages. Nova Hedwigia is invoiced per volume at the time of publication of the first issue of the respective volume. Subscriptions to Nova Hedwigia may be placed as a volume order, standing order (until cancelled) or per year (subscription to all volumes that start to be published in that year).
Back from volume 1 (1959) nearly all issues are available. For assistance with back volume request please contact our customer service.

Manuscript submission

Manuscripts may be submitted to the editor of the corresponding field. All manuscripts are subject to peer review. There are no page charges. 50 reprints or alternatively a pdf-file for personal use are provided free of charge for the author. The submission of a manuscript implies that the material is original, and that no similar paper has been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Nova Hedwigia explicitely invites the submission of review papers. Authors interested are requested to contact the editor of the corresponding field.

Nova Hedwigia Online

Regular subscriptions to Nova Hedwigia include access to the online version. Nova Hedwigia also participates in CrossRef which allows direct access to referenced papers which are available online. The Nova Hedwigia online edition is available here. Schweizerbart enables acccess to the online version for all subscribers.

Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia

As the length of papers published in Nova Hedwigia, Main Volumes is limited, Nova Hedwigia publishes Supplement Volumes as Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia in which more extensive monographic works (e.g. Revisions of genuses) are published. Please check the Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia home page for more details and a complete survey of the volumes that have been published to date.

Abstracted in:

Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Ecpanded, Current Contents Agriculture, Biology and Environment, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, CAB Abstracts