Close-range sensing for generating 3D objects in Prehistoric Archaeology

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Title:Main Title: Close-range sensing for generating 3D objects in Prehistoric Archaeology
Descriptions:Abstract: Prehistoric archaeology is an object-oriented discipline. Archaeological objects like stone tools, bone tools or pieces of mobile art embed human behaviour. A central task of prehistoric research is to decode this information in order to reconstruct ancient human behaviour. This premise affords a defined set of tools for analysis and documentation to describe and evaluate particularly the shape of the object and its surface modifications manufactured by humans. Basis for all types of analysis is therefore a precise visual description of the object. This documentation forms part of the scientific process and should follow a generally accepted convention. Only when these rules are respected, a standardised and reproducible recognition of the object becomes possible.
Series Information: Proceedings on the Workshop of Remote Sensing Methods for Change Detection and Process Modelling, 18-19 November 2010, University of Cologne, Germany, Kölner Geographische Arbeiten, 92, pp. 117-120
Identifier:10.5880/TR32DB.KGA92.15 (DOI)
Related Resource:Is Part Of 0454-1294 (ISBN)
Responsible Party
Creators:Andreas Pastoors (Author), Gerd-Christian Weniger (Author)
Contributors:Victoria Lenz-Wiedemann (Editor), Georg Bareth (Editor), Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 32 (Meteorological Institute, University of Bonn) (Data Manager), University of Cologne (Regional Computing Centre (RRZK)) (Hosting Institution)
Publisher:Geographisches Institut der Universität zu Köln - Kölner Geographische Arbeiten
Publication Year:2011
Subjects:Keywords: Surface, Remote Sensing
File Details
Data Type:Text - Book Section
Sizes:3909 Kilobytes
4 Pages
File Size:3.8 MB
Dates:Created: 18.11.2010
Issued: 05.10.2011
Mime Type:application/pdf
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator:Constanze Curdt
Metadata Created:05.08.2013
Metadata Last Updated:11.05.2021
Funding Phase:2
Metadata Language:English
Metadata Version:V50
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Dataset Statistics
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Dataset Downloads:2
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