Microwave spectroscopy of S, P, and D states of sodium Rydberg atoms

S. Dyubko, M. Efimenko, V. Efremov, and S. Podnos
Phys. Rev. A 52, 514 – Published 1 July 1995
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The transition frequencies of the nSnP and nD→(n+1)P sodium atom series were measured within the 53–350-GHz range for the main quantum number n=22–32. More precise values of ls splitting and quantum defects for P1/2,3/2 and D3/2,5/2 terms were determined. The frequencies were measured with an accuracy of better than 50 kHz. The results were treated using the Rydberg formula E(n,l,j)=-RNa/(n-δnlj)2. The quantum defect was calculated by using the expression δnj=ɛlj+αlj/n*2. The constants ɛlj and αlj that result from this work are ɛ1/2=0.855 444 58(14), α1/2=0.112 668 (90), ɛ3/2=0.854 625 83(12), and a3/2=0.112 878(81) for the P term and ɛ3/2=0.014 909 19(38), a3/2=-0.042 19(25), ɛ5/2=0.014 925 82(55), and a5/2=-0.043 33(35) for the D term. The ls-splitting constants determined from the expression Δνl=Al/n*3 are Ap=5 384 790(420) MHz for the P term and Ad=97 340(680) MHz for the D term.

  • Received 5 January 1995


©1995 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

S. Dyubko, M. Efimenko, V. Efremov, and S. Podnos

  • Laboratory of Molecular Spectroscopy, Department of Radiophysics, Kharkov State University, Svobody sq., 4, Kharkov, Ukraine, 310077

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Vol. 52, Iss. 1 — July 1995

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