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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter November 30, 2016

An improved clinopyroxene-based hygrometer for Etnean magmas and implications for eruption triggering mechanisms

  • Cristina Perinelli , Silvio Mollo EMAIL logo , Mario Gaeta , Serena Pia De Cristofaro , Danilo M. Palladino , Pietro Armienti , Piergiorgio Scarlato and Keith D. Putirka
From the journal American Mineralogist


We have refined the clinopyroxene-based hygrometer published by Armienti et al. (2013) for a better quantitative understanding of the role of H2O in the differentiation of Etnean magmas. The original calibration data set has been significantly improved by including several experimental clinopyroxene compositions that closely reproduce those found in natural Etnean products. To verify the accuracy of the model, some randomly selected experimental clinopyroxene compositions external to the calibration data set have been used as test data. Through a statistic algorithm based on the Mallows’ CP criterion, we also check that all model parameters do not cause data overfitting, or systematic error.

The application of the refined hygrometer to the Mt. Etna 2011–2013 lava fountains indicates that most of the decreases in H2O content occur at P < 100 MPa, in agreement with melt inclusion data suggesting abundant H2O degassing at shallow crustal levels during magma ascent in the conduit and eruption to the surface.


This work is a part of the master thesis of S.P. De Cristofaro that was supported by HP-HT laboratory of Sapienza, University of Rome. We kindly thank M. Serracino for assistance during electron microprobe analysis. P. Scarlato and S. Mollo acknowledge MIUR project, Premiale NORTh (New hORizons of the Technology applied to experimental researches and geophysical and volcanological monitoring), and EPOS (European Observing System Infrastructure project). We express our gratitude to I. Swainson for his editorial guidance. We are grateful to M. Hamada and two anonymous reviewers for their helpful and constructive suggestions.

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Received: 2016-7-23
Accepted: 2016-8-9
Published Online: 2016-11-30
Published in Print: 2016-12-1

© 2016 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston

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