Material insights: Case-carburized bearings undergoing standing contact loading


Engineering Competence

Engineering Competence

Material insights: Case-carburized bearings undergoing standing contact loading

Study enhances understanding and offers practical method for assessing the performance of case carburized bearings.
Bearing life,Bearings,Metals,Research and development,
Engineering Competence

When precision is key

Martin Molin has a grand plan: to perfect the design of his “marble machine”, an innovative musical instrument that plays music through the use of [...]
Bearings,Design,Engineering Competence,Machinery and equipment,Mechatronics,Talent,
Engineering Competence

Understanding and Mitigating Electric Discharge Damage in Electric Vehicle Motor Bearings

Fundamental study reveals strategies for diminishing electric erosion damage in EV motor bearings.
Cars,Electricity,Other products,Research and development,Traction motor bearing units,Transportation and logistics,
Engineering Competence

Unlocking progress

A new lock complex, which will allow larger ships to traverse the Terneuzen-Ghent canal, relies in part on SKF bearings that each weigh up to 1.5 [...]
Bearing mounting,Bearings,Construction,Engineering Competence,

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