Historical Geography

Historical Geography

Edited by Robert Wilson, Karl Offen, and Christina Dando

ISSN 1091-6458

eISSN 2331-7523


Historical Geography is an annual journal that publishes scholarly articles, book reviews, conference reports, and commentaries. The journal encourages an interdisciplinary and international dialogue among scholars, professionals, and students interested in geographic perspectives on the past. Concerned with maintaining historical geography’s ongoing intellectual contribution to social scientific and humanities-based disciplines, Historical Geography is especially committed to presenting the work of emerging scholars.

Historical Geography is the official journal of the Historical Geography Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers. Members of the group receive subscriptions as a benefit of membership.


Table Of Contents

Volume 49 (2021)

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From the Editors         
Research Articles
Andrew Clark’s The Invasion of New Zealand by People, Plants and Animals in Review
Michael Roche  

Aerial Vision and Violence: The Beginnings of Aerial Photography in Colombia (1920s)
Sven Schuster   

German Immigrant Labor in Baltimore on the Eve of the Civil War
James M. Smith       

Review Essay
The SAGE Handbook of Historical Geography by Mona Domosh, Michael Heffernan, and Charles W. J. Withers, editors
Robert Rundstrom    

Book Reviews
Paper Trails: The US Post and the Making of the American West by Cameron Blevins
Jesse R. Andrews          

Safari Nation: A Social History of the Kruger National Park by Jacob S. T. Dlamini
Stefan Norgaard        

West Germany and the Iron Curtain: Environment, Economy, and Culture in the Borderlands by Astrid Eckert
Kristin Poling   

Where Caciques and Mapmakers Met: Border Making in Eighteenth-Century South America by Jeffrey A. Erbig Jr.
Timothy B. Norris        

Structures of the Earth: Metageographies of Early Medieval China by D. Jonathan Felt
Hieu Phung     

The Historical Geography of Croatia: Territorial Change and Cultural Landscapes by Borna Fuerst-Bjeliš and Nikola Glamuzina
David S. Hardin            

The Nutmeg’s Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis by Amitav Ghosh
Michael Kimaid         

A Queer New York: Geographies of Lesbians, Dykes, and Queers by Jen Jack Gieseking
Cyd Sturgess   

English Landscapes and Identities: Investigating Landscape Change from 1500 BC to AD 1086 by Chris Gosden, Chris Green, and the EngLaId Team
Hans Renes      

Settler Colonial City: Racism and Inequity in Postwar Minneapolis by David Hugill
Sarah E. Nelson      

Shifting Baselines in the Chesapeake Bay: An Environmental History by Victor S. Kennedy
Geoffrey L. Buckley      

Confederate Exodus: Social and Environmental Forces in the Migration of U.S. Southerners to Brazil by Alan P. Marcus
Kent Mathewson          

Fermented Landscapes: Lively Processes of Socio-environmental Transformation by Colleen C. Myles, editor
Romário S. Basílio      

Wetlands in a Dry Land: More-than-Human Histories of Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin by Emily O’Gorman
Ria Mukerji      

Spanish New Orleans: An Imperial City on the American Periphery, 1766–1803 by John Eugene Rodriguez
Dean Sinclair    

The Ocean Reader: History, Culture, Politics by Eric Paul Roorda, editor
Stanley D. Brunn          

Taking the Land to Make the City: A Bicoastal History of North America by Mary P. Ryan
Steven L. Driever        

Iconic Planned Communities and the Challenge of Change by Mary Corbin Sies, Isabelle Gournay, and Robert Freestone, editors
Nathan Burtch 

Historical Geography, GIScience, and Textual Analysis: Landscapes of Time and Place by Charles Travis, Francis Ludlow, and Ferenc Gyuris, editors
Zef Segal       

The Singer’s Needle: An Undisciplined History of Panama by Ezer Vierba
Marcos Pérez Cañizares        

Time in Maps: From the Age of Discovery to Our Digital Era by Kären Wigen and Caroline Winterer, editors
Dudley B. Bonsal         

Submissions & Book Reviews

Focus and Scope
Historical Geography is an annual journal that publishes scholarly articles, book reviews, conference reports, and commentaries in historical geography and cognate fields. The journal encourages an interdisciplinary and international dialogue among scholars, professionals, and students interested in geographic perspectives on the past. Concerned with maintaining historical geography's ongoing intellectual contribution to scientific, social scientific and humanities-based disciplines, Historical Geography is especially committed to presenting the work of both established and emerging scholars.

All articles are Open Access following an initial 12 month period in which they are exclusively available to institutional and individual subscribers, as well as members of the American Association of Geographer’s Historical Geography Specialty Group. Other published materials, including the published versions of the Distinguished Historical Geographer lecture, roundtables, and other special reports, are available Open Access immediately on publication.

Originating as a non-peer reviewed newsletter, Historical Geography was established as a peer-reviewed, annual scholarly journal in 1993. The journal is sponsored by the Historical Geography Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers and published by the University of Nebraska Press.

Peer Review Process
Historical Geography welcomes the submission of original, unpublished manuscripts for publication in the journal. Manuscripts are reviewed through a double-blind review process, typically by a minimum of two reviewers with expertise in the primary subject area of the manuscript or a closely related field. Reviewers are asked to consider whether the manuscript is suitable for publication based on its: (a) originality and significance, (b) use of appropriate methods and evidence, (c) structure and presentation, (d) conceptual and theoretical soundness, and (e) conclusions. Reviewers also evaluate manuscripts in terms of the author's ability to communicate clearly in text, maps, and images. Final approval of manuscripts for publication rests with the editors.

Manuscripts should be submitted through the Historical Geography online portal, available at http://www.editorialmanager.com/HG/. Direct email submissions are accepted and can be sent to hgeditors@syr.edu.

Author Guidelines
Manuscripts should be no greater than 10,000 words in length (inclusive of notes, maps, charts, tables, and images), double spaced, free of excessive jargon, and prepared according to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (University of Chicago Press, 2017). Submissions should be accompanied by an abstract of up to 150 words. Authors interested in submitting commentaries, conference reports, or book reviews should contact the editors in advance to discuss their ideas.

Manuscripts should be submitted as Microsoft Word (.docx) files, free of identifying names or references to the author(s). To ensure blind reviews, we recommend using the “Inspect Document” function to ensure authors names do not appear in the document properties.

Please make sure major elements (title, author names, epigraphs, headings, block quotes, endnotes, etc.) stand out visually from one another. For example, a block quote shouldn’t be formatted with the same margins as the running text, or it will run the risk of being styled incorrectly. In addition, if you use multiple levels of section heads, they should be visually distinct form one another and consistent throughout the manuscript.

Avoid using tabs to indicate indents; instead use Word's ruler to properly indent your content.

Tables should be placed in the Word files in the approximate location the author would like them to appear. Please note that all tables should be composed in Word, using Word’s native table tools, and not set as images. When formatting tables, titles should appear at the top.

All bibliographic information should be included in sequentially numbered full endnotes. The first endnote citation for a source should carry the complete information, with short citations thereafter.  Where relevant, digital object identifiers (doi), hyperlinks, and links to online media may also be included. Please use the following forms:
William Wyckoff, How to Read the American West: A Field Guide (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2014), 79.
Wyckoff, How to Read the American West, 33.
Article in an edited volume:
Nancy Langston, “Iron Mines, Toxicity, and Indigenous Communities in the Lake Superior Basin,” in Mining North America: An Environmental History Since 1522, eds. J.R. McNeill and George Vrtis (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2017), 315.
Langston, “Iron Mines, Toxicity, and Indigenous Communities in the Lake Superior Basin,” 320.
Article in a journal:
Sarah Louise Evans, “Mapping terra incognita: women’s participation in Royal Geographical Society-supported expeditions 1913-1939,” Historical Geography 44 (2016): 35.
Olga Petri, “At the bathhouse: municipal reform and the bathing commons in late imperial St. Petersburg,” Journal of Historical Geography 51 (2016): 40-51. doi.org/10.1016/j.jhg.2015.11.004
Evans, “Mapping terra incognita,” 33.
Jill Lepore, “The Man Who Broke the Music Business,” New Yorker, April 27, 2015, 59.
Lepore, “The Man Who Broke the Music Business,” 60.
Toxic Legacies (website), Communicating with Future Generations, accessed April 15, 2018, www.toxiclegacies.com.
Natura Urbana: The Brachen of Berlin, directed by Matthew Gandy, 2017, www.naturaurbana.org.
Anthropocene: The Human Epoch, directed by Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier, and Edward Burtynsky (Mercury Films, 2018)

Authors are welcome to include hyperlinks and media files to be embedded within the manuscript.
Images and maps
Art should not be placed directly in Word files but submitted separately in a .tif or .jpg format, sequentially numbered (Fig. 1, 2, etc.). Art files should be no less than 300 dpi with the smallest dimension measuring at least four inches (1,200 pixels). All lettering within figures should be no smaller than 6 pt and should be in a standard font.
Include captions in the Word file approximately where art is to be placed, or if a piece of art has no captions use a generic call-out instead (e.g., {Fig. 1 Here}). Note that art will not be placed exactly where it is called out in the Word file. When the journal is set the typesetter will place artwork according to design conventions as near the original placement as possible.
If using copyrighted artwork, the author must secure written permission for its reproduction in Historical Geography, to be submitted to the Press in the event of publication.

Historical Geography is committed to equity and ethics in scholarship. Where research collaboration and co-authorship are a consideration, we urge authors to consider appropriate standards for authorship inclusion and author order, such as those discussed in the Committee on Publication Ethics Discussion Document. Authors should also identify relevant funding sources and declare any conflicts of interest.

Editorial Board

Robert Wilson, Syracuse University
Karl Offen, Syracuse University
Christine Dando, University of Nebraska Omaha

Editorial Board
Dawn Biehler, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Matthew Farish, University of Toronto
Kirsten Greer, Nipissing University
Elizabeth Hennessy, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Maria Lane, University of New Mexico
Sam Otterstrom, Brigham Young University
Richard Powell, University of Cambridge
Andrew Sluyter , Louisiana State University
Yolonda Youngs, California State University, San Bernardino


Historical Geography Archive Available on UNP Website
Volumes 28 through 44 (2000 through 2016) are now available in this archive. These issues are open access. More recent issues are available on Project MUSE. While the most current issue is available only through library or individual subscription on Project MUSE, older issues are open access there, too.

Article Sales
Single articles from the current issue of Historical Geography are now available for purchase through Project MUSE.

Changes for HG
Historical Geography is celebrating a number of new developments:
  • The journal is partnering with the University of Nebraska Press.
  • Project MUSE, a leading electronic platform for scholarly journals in the humanities and social sciences, is the journal's new online home. 

Sponsoring Society

The mission of the Historical Geography Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers is to promote the common interests of persons in the field, provide a forum for the discussion of matters that pertain to the membership, and establish procedures for activities within the AAG. The group's chair is Mark Rhodes, Michigan Technological University.

Members receive subscriptions to the electronic version of Historical Geography as a benefit of membership.


Reading List: Climate Change

Check out this list of peer-reviewed articles focusing on Critical Theory, Environmental Ethics, Economics & Business, and other areas of study on Climate Change.

Reading List: Latin American Studies

Articles on a variety of topics related to the field of Latin American Studies.

Useful Links

Historical Geography Archive

Historical Geography Volumes 28 through 44 (2000 - 2016) are available as open access issues in this archive. (More recent issues are available on Project MUSE.)

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